PCRepairMom Reviews Technology

I’ve been inspired to document all the things that I've encountered that work for me, my family, and friends. Specifically on things that work really well to make life a little easier, safer, or healthier for busy people; putting technology to work so that we can focus on what is important. I’m a woman, wife, student, employee, adventurer, but most precious I'm a mommy to 8 yo M, 7 yo KJ, and 2 yo C. I work on computers, train in software, and play with all the gadgets hubby brings home.

28 July, 2012

New Smile Technology Part 4

Well it has been over a year since I received my first set of aligners and I have to say I am overall pleased with the results. I had finished the first series of aligners and the doctor wasn't happy with how almost straight my teeth had turned out, there was one tooth that would not budge. So I am now in the second stage of aligners and fine tuning how everything looks. I've grown accustomed to brushing after every snack and meal. I've gone through so many tubes of toothpaste, toothbrushes and yards of floss. I am so used to having the aligners in that when they aren't my mouth feels awkward. In 4 weeks I go in for another evaluation where I will find out if I can stop wearing these all day long and only wear a set of retainers at night. I'll be curious to see how my mouth will feel then!


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