PCRepairMom Reviews Technology

I’ve been inspired to document all the things that I've encountered that work for me, my family, and friends. Specifically on things that work really well to make life a little easier, safer, or healthier for busy people; putting technology to work so that we can focus on what is important. I’m a woman, wife, student, employee, adventurer, but most precious I'm a mommy to 8 yo M, 7 yo KJ, and 2 yo C. I work on computers, train in software, and play with all the gadgets hubby brings home.

07 May, 2011

Smile Technology Part 2

Well I am on aligner number 2 after the application of my nubs.  The dentist applied 9 nubs to my teeth.
The first aligner you receive is basically a training aligner, the surface is smooth and it prepares you and your mouth for movement.  Afterwards, the nubs are applied to the front surface of teeth in order to help along the process or moving the teeth, or even rotating them.  The application of the nubs went pretty fast and was painless. 
It has taken some getting used to the nubs to say the least.  Mostly you play with them with your tongue and can notice a slight speech impairment from them.  I find it a little hard to keep my mouth closed, and chewing with my mouth closed is a slight challenge, its going to take practice!
The nubs are like ramps on your teeth, rather small, but I'm not sure how noticible to other people.  I see them right away when I smile in the mirror, but no one has mentioned it to me yet.  I feel like the name of the product in is a small way misleading.  These aligners are so not invisable.

Nub staining - On the afternoon of Day 1 of the nub additions to my teeth, I ate a chicken curry dish for lunch.  Big surprise when I got to the bathroom to brush and floss, my teeth glowed yellow!  It took several brushings with baking soda and whitening toothpaste before the glowing was less noticeable, but several days for it to completely subside.  Lesson - keep any and all staining food and drinks to the back of the mouth.
More to follow!


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