PCRepairMom Reviews Technology

I’ve been inspired to document all the things that I've encountered that work for me, my family, and friends. Specifically on things that work really well to make life a little easier, safer, or healthier for busy people; putting technology to work so that we can focus on what is important. I’m a woman, wife, student, employee, adventurer, but most precious I'm a mommy to 8 yo M, 7 yo KJ, and 2 yo C. I work on computers, train in software, and play with all the gadgets hubby brings home.

12 August, 2010

My favorite robots

My love for little robots has flourished thanks to the people of iRobot and hexbug.
My husband brought home Roomba to our family and it has been a great addition. This little guy fits under our beds and couches and rids our house of the scary dust bunnies collecting under these hard to move items. He runs every other day on set schedule and returns to the dock to recharge. But its only when I am emptying the bin do I see just how well this works at picking up the dust, cat hair, dropped and hidden food from my toddlers, and just all around dirt. I have gone from vacuuming everyday with my cleaning companion Dyson to just about once a week. I know it seems a bit extreme to have to vacuum so often, but when you live with 2 cats, 2 toddlers and 2 people in the house whose allergies hit the roof when the dust levels increase in minute increments, then vacuuming everyday everything is just second nature.
I must warn that the little toys that my toddlers use to "test" the Roomba do get sucked up, so make sure to pick up the little things before the robot "eats" them! Battery life is impressive and my wood floors covered with area rugs do get a thorough cleaning, as proven by the tracks he leaves. I am particularly impressed in the kitchen area where everything from outside dirt to dropped food to kitty litter ends up and gets sucked up without abandon. I love it. I haven't had to sweep a floor at all!!!
On to the Hexbug. My children saw these at Radio Shack when we were shopping for a birthday present for daddy, we got one, a purple Nano. Well 2 Hexbug Nanos and 2 extra battery packages later and the kids are thrilled and distracted. So much so that the kiddos gave one to their friend for a birthday present. I do love how the little robot drives itself around unpredictably on the floor and tables. The kids laugh and giggle at their little friends and have even turned to taunting the cats with them. I recently saw that Hexbug has added more creatures to its family and am preparing to add to our small collection at home.


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